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Glossary of Internal Names

Room Reward Types

Internal NameCanonical NameNote
<GodName>UpgradeBoon from <GodName>
DevotionTrial of the Gods
TrialChaos boon
SpellDropSelene boon
TalentDropPath of Stars (Hex powerup)
StackUpgradePom of power
MaxHealthDropCentaur Heart (Max health increase)
MaxManaDropSoul tonic (Max Magick increase)
RoomMoneyDropObols (gold)
ShopCharon Shop
StoryNPC room
GiftNectar of the Gods
<Element>Boostsingle element reward from Ephyra side rooms
EmptyMaxHealthSmallDropsmall Centaur Soul (max health increase with no healing) from Ephyra side rooms
MaxHealthDropSmallsmall Centaur Heart (max health increase) from Ephyra side rooms
MaxManaDropSmallsmall Soul Tonic (max Magick increase) from Ephyra side rooms
RoomMoneyTinyDropsmall Obol (gold) drop from Ephyra side rooms

Tools, Weapons and Aspects

Internal NameCanonical NameNote
WeaponStaffSwingDescura, the Witch's Staff / Staff basic attack
BaseStaffAspectAspect of Melinoe for the staff
StaffClearCastAspectAspect of Circe for the staff
StaffSelfHitAspectAspect of Momus for the staff
WeaponDaggerLim and Oros, the Sister Blades
DaggerBackstabAspectAspect of Melinoe for the sister blades
DaggerBlockAspectAspect of Artemis for the sister blades
DaggerHomingThrowAspectAspect of Pan for the sister blades
WeaponAxeZorophet, the Moonstone Axe
AxeArmCastAspectAspect of Charon for the moonstone axe
AxePerfectCriticalAspectAspect of Thanatos for the moonstone axe
AxeRecoveryAspectAspect of Melinoe for the moonstone axe
WeaponTorchYgnium, the Umbral Flames (torches)
TorchSpecialDurationAspectAspect of Melinoe for the umbral flames
TorchDetonateAspectAspect of Moros for the umbral flames
TorchSprintRecallAspectAspect of Eos for the umbral flames
WeaponLobRevaal, the Argent Skull
LobAmmoBoostAspectAspect of Melinoe for the argent skull
LobCloseAttackAspectAspect of Medea for the argent skull
LobImpulseAspectAspect of Persephone for the argent skull
ExorcismPointTablet of Peace shade
FishingPointRod of Fishing interactable
HarvestPointGather plant interactable
PickaxePointCrescent Pick interactable
ShovelPointSilver Spade (Shovel) interactable


Internal NameCanonical NameNote
BountyPitch-Black Stone trial
ClockworkGoalMain path numbered Tartarus Room
FieldsRewardFinderGolden Bough
QuestObjective on the Fated List
RewardCage / CageReward location in Fields of Mourning
SecretSpawnChaos entrance
ShrineUpgradeBonus provided via Arcana
TimeChallengeSwitchInfernal Trove
UnityTraitInfusion boon (elemental threshold boon)